Sunday, August 3, 2008

Celebrating friends...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...I am just so lucky to be surrounded by people who love me…and have through the years. I have been one of the lucky ones who found friends who stayed despite the storms and the silences. My friends make me who I am. If I were to explain to you here what they mean to me, it would be pointless, because unless you are one of them, you wont really understand.

My friends from school, or rather from the day my earliest memory starts, are still the people I call when I need a hand. It would be silly to slot them into any group….because they are a part of who I am. 21 years I have known them…and not once have they let me down.

College days wouldn’t have been the same without my friends there. Redefining ‘cool’ and making a place like Ahmedabad rock, we did it all!

And then there is him….I got lucky….my soulmate is also my best friend. I did not know how it was possible for someone to be so giving, so selfless, until I met him.

Friendship days are corny....but in the spirit of celebrating each day, I raise a toast to my friends who make me who I am...

* To Rasna, because sisters make the best of friends
* To Neha, for knowing just what to say and when not to say anything....
*To Bini, for just never saying no to my plans....and egging me on...
*To Shri, for bringing some sanity and some madness to our lives....
*To Kani, for just being so Kani!!!
*To Hritik, who redefines being accomodating!
*To Banka/ Gandhi/ Aashish, for it being just the same when we meet, no matter how much time has passed
*To Leks, because distances…or years don’t matter
*To Anju, roomies that shared lives and continue doing so…
*To Rakhi, my partner in crime and yet so wise
*To Surbhi, my little bit of Delhi in Abad
*And lastly….to him…because I wouldn’t be complete without you.


Unknown said...

Back at you my dear! I miss your demands n my inherent desire to fulfill them all! for that i wish you had always stayed in college/school ;)

Mama - Mia said...


the post didnt turn out to be corny at all! :)



Harnoor Channi-Tiwary said...

Thanks Abha....its like those Slam Books back in school....

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