Sunday, September 14, 2008

Delhi attacked...shaken but not stirred.

The inevitable happened. The Capital (Delhi) was rocked by bomb blasts yesterday evening. It wasn't shocking as it was bound to happen keeping in line with the series of blasts happening these few months across the nation. So this post is not about the futility of such violence. It is not even about where I was when it happened and how I felt, because the people who want to know that already called and asked...

The post is about those people. A catastrophy like this acts like a distiller in one's life sometimes. You see clearly what you mean to people. People who'se lives would be affected drastically were you injured, called within 5 minutes of the blast. They didn't bother with sms, they picked up the phone to hear your voice and if you were ok. My list was quite predictable. Ras heard it on the news in the middle of Canada at what must have been breakfast time for her and went frantic. My best friends did not miss a beat either....

People who care about you in some way, messaged within the hour to check on your family's well being. Again predicatably, my friends in other cities wrote in to see if all was ok....

Not so predictable was the indifference of a few though.

As I said, those few hours acted as a distiller. The blasts themselves deserve another blog...perhaps in a couple of months when it has sunk in and the fear has gone though....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We were very relieved to hear you guys were ok and unhurt. Papa not picking up the ph was a lil scary though. Mom kept pondering over why you were in the same car on a sat-but in the middle of her migraine i told her not to worry abt that-just to be glad that you were all fine.

it is esp hard to hear of a disaster where your loved ones are when you're far away-i remember experiencing it every time - when you all were in the middle of the earthquake hit ahmedabad, when you were in A'Bad during the riots, when Im here across the oceans - hoping and praying - to the powers of the universe - that you all are out of harm's way. cause for the world you may be just someone but for someone you are the world!

Be safe and stay calm.
Love you more than you know.

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