Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On a busy Monday evening...

I was driving home yesterday after work. As much as I love to drive, the stretch of 18 Kms. choco-block with traffic is not my idea of fun. While driving, I got a call from a colleague about a website that had not been updated with our information. I opened my laptop on the passenger's seat and connected to the internet while driving. Everytime the traffic would slow down, I would type 5 words on the keyboard. I would go slow on red lights so that I would have the time to reload the page.

After around 40 odd minutes of driving when I finally sent the email that I was working on, still driving home, I suddenly had a strange experience. It was as if I saw myself as a third person would see me. On the wheel of my car, trying to focus on the road at the same time as stealing moments to work on the laptop. And it hit me. It hit me how completely ridiculous I was being. How could I let myself get so involved in something that I would risk my own wellbeing. Leave alone the danger factor in what I was doing. The point is that it was so completely irrelevant in the larger scheme of life. And I was becoming a slave to the system.

Needless to say, the laptop was forced shut that very instant. The next 20 minutes were spent singing loudly along the soundtrack of 'Rock On'. And that is the story of how I yet again saved myself from becoming the exact person I loathe.


B2 said...

Hey! You were almost like me for a brief time (except I am tapping away email on my phone at 60Mph rather than a laptop in a traffic jam) but then reverted back! Too bad :-)

Unknown said...

Thank god for small mercies!!! :)

Harnoor Channi-Tiwary said...

Hahahah.....in that case B2 bh, you should plan a trip to india...perhaps the tranquil himalayas or the laidback Goa will change your pace to the pace I want to believe I will live my life at.....though it can be detrimental to your career plans :)!!

Mama - Mia said...

phew!! thank god!! here i was thinking "Pls god! let her not think its Cool to this kinda thing!"

i recently wrote a post on this!! we are getting crazier and not in a good way!! :(



Harnoor Channi-Tiwary said...

will check out your post Abha ....as you read back, you will realise that I am the quintessential rebel, the anti-system...the 'how can we live mundane corporate lives day after day' types :) ...

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